Wednesday, September 22, 2010

reading response number one

I am looking for Quality over Quantity.

Think to yourself...What is Self-Monitoring? Why do we use Self-Monitoring? How can using Self-Monitoring make you a better reader? Post your reply as a comment. Reply to someone else's comment.

Think about what we read in class.

Ask just one question! Use one or more of the "5 W's". Remember "How" and "Why" are deep thinking questions that require more than a single word answer.

Be sure your question is important and relevent.

Back up your response with personal thoughts, evidence, opinions, experiences and so on.

Take your time, think out your response...

seveneight RANT

chat with one another here, have questions about class, an assignment? ask here! complaints, opinions, support, this is for you! wanna talk to a friend about class, give it a go! use this RANT to tutor eachother, and help one another! can you help?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 16th Homework Assignment!!!!!!!

hey boys and girls,

Please try the MI test using this link, please print a copy and bring it in to attach to your autobiography unit.
If you can't print, you'll have to try it here at school.

Don't forget to think about the "bias" question for homework. The question is...

Why and how could there a "bias" when sampling a population? Is a census more accuate? Think about the fact we only asked the girls in our sample survey.